Frothing Demand

Rabid commentary on video games, movies and television.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Working through

We decided this week that we’d be moving back to Queensland. Not an easy decision to make, but arguably the best of our options, and should certainly help us set up for the rest of our lives.

Tons of work to do, but I’m getting there. Six games on the whiteboard right now, with another two or three coming in this week. All need to be done by the 22nd for sanity reasons, as four more come out on the 23rd, and they’re all meant to be really good.

I think I need to iron out my time management issues. Certain pieces take far longer than expected, which has a bit of a flow on effect.

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09 (Xbox 360) at Games On Net
TNA iMPACT (Xbox 360) at Games On Net
Spore (PC) at Games On Net

The Warp Pipe – Twenty Years of the Sega Mega Drive (Part One) at Games On Net

posted by Matthew Keller at 10:33 pm  

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