Frothing Demand

Rabid commentary on video games, movies and television.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Daily Froth – 10/1

Yeah, I needed to start using this thing a bit more, considering the fact I pay money to run this page. What better way than to do a whole bunch of linkbacks, particularly to articles I’ve written.

Darth Vader and Yoda join Soul Calibur IV cast – Nice to see them doing the guest character thing, though obviously you’d rather take Vader over Yoda. Still, the complaints will come as they did with Masters of Teras Kasi – the loyalists will bitch that the lightsabers are toned down. I say get over it, Lucas pretty much ran the Jedi into the ground, so they’re not cool anymore. Han Solo ftw.

LittleBigPlanet pushed back – Pretty much the only thing keeping me interested in the PlayStation 3’s online service are this and Home, and to here them constantly being pushed back is something of a worry. I’m of the opinion that these and other so-called “Game 3.0” projects should have LAUNCHED with the PlayStation 3. Not come out two years later. Still, looks charming as ever.

Ron Gilbert’s DeathSpank gets a publisher – I was somewhat late to the party by about 10 years on Monkey Island, but they are very funny and enjoyable adventure games. Thing is, Gilbert hasn’t done anything since the fourth, and arguably least game in the series. HotHead has yet to put a game out, their first being the Penny Arcade title, which Gilbert was also working on. If the game is funny, it should succeed.

posted by Matthew Keller at 4:00 pm  

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