Frothing Demand

Rabid commentary on video games, movies and television.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Much to do

The workload is high, as are the stress levels. House hunting is not a whole lot of fun, especially when the couple is undecided on their plans for the coming year. Seven reviews on the run at the moment, and a bunch of features that need to be written ASAP. Would rather just sit around and watch movies for a week.

Weight loss stalled during the week after I binged on junk food to counter depression. I’m completely over diet Coke, so that makes the whole campaign easier.

Castle Crashers (XBLA) at Games On Net
Facebreaker (Xbox 360) at Games On Net

The Warp Pipe – LucasArts: A Fall From Grace at Games On Net

posted by Matthew Keller at 11:14 am  

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